A river lined with trees, with several prominent trees leaning out over the water. There is a small wooden structure near the bottom left of the photo.
A row of people swimming in a body of water. They are in a line with just their heads and shoulders above water and looking towards the camera. The two women are wearing bathing caps and have their shoulders covered by bathing suits and the men have bathing suits with wide shoulder straps.
Two people in a rowboat on a large river. Ahead of them is a truss bridge, and there are trees lining the shore. The man is rowing in a white shirt while a woman sits facing him in a white top and patterned skirt.
A ship sailing away from shore billowing steam with buildings in the background and the prow of another ship on the left edge of the image. There are three decks filled with people on the boat.
A young girl in a plaid dress with white tights standing in a yard. There are two women in dresses behind her with their faces cut off from the shot. All three are standing with their hands behind their backs.
A dock by a small lake house with a banner that says "Windermere." The right side of the image has part of a boy's face and arm and behind him is another small rowboat with a woman in a white hat.