A Polish colonist's house in Unido de Victoria, Brazil. A very minimalistic wooden vernacular house with a saltbox roof stands next to a small wooden barn and cows can be seen standing in the pasture surrounding the house. A pond is in the middle of the pasture and a fence row divides the different areas of the farm. The landscape is hilly with mountains rising in the background.
Passengers sit on top of lumber train cars in Rio Negro, Brazil. It is noted that the train is a one cylinder engine machine. Dense foliage lines the railroad tracks.
A train station in the Sao Paulo Province of Brazil. Palm trees are as tall as the station building and the foliage around the building is well kept. Goats walk along beside the railroad tracks outside of the fence surrounding the station. Mountains rise in the background.
People stand outside of the Renezende Train station waiting for their train to arrive in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The men are dressed in traveling suits and the women are dressed in nice dresses.
The town of Aparecida, Brazil that sits on top of a hill. Italianate inspired architecture makes up the town and a football field can be seen in the foreground. Foliage around the town is very dense.
Village in the Sao Paulo Province, Brazil. A woman and a boy watch over a coffee stand in the courtyard while two men talk outside of the fence. Single story houses with clay tile roofs sit inside of the courtyard and mountains rise in the background.
Mountainscape of the Tijuca mountainside in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. A large stone wall with an iron gate is in the foreground while the mountainous landscape rises up behind the fence. Cultivated fields can be seen half way up the mountainside and the foliage is very dense.
The Tijuca Stream running through Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The stream bed is very rocky and the stream appears to be low. Dense foliage grows along the banks and Italianate inspired architecture can be seen in the background. A mountainscape rises in the background behind the buildings.
Downtown Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Trolley cars carrying passengers cross in front of an ornate composite order inspired building on the other side of the street. It is noted that these cars are for 1st and 2nd class passengers.
Mountainscape of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Italianate style houses and buildings can be seen in the foreground while a mountain rises in the background. It is noted that the picture is showing Rua senador candidomenez.
Port at Rio Nictheroy, Brazil. Clerestory roofed warehouses sit on the dock and men are standing on the dock waiting for ships to be moored. A mountainous landscape can be seen in the background of the bay.
Mountainous landscape from Joinville, Brazil. A farm can be seen in the valley of two hills while a mountain rises in the background. The foliage is dense.
Railroad tracks leading out into a mountainous landscape from Joinville, Brazil. Foliage grows around the railroad tracks and a distant sierra can be seen in the background.
View of Santa Maria, Brazil. Vernacular houses are built along a dirt road running through the hilly landscape. A cow is walking through the pasture in the foreground while a farmer stands in the field. A mountainous landscape can be seen in the background. It is noted the picture is showing a trap topped hill.
Pine trees grow alongside railroad tracks in the Rio Grande Plateau of Brazil. Dense foliage covers the ground while the pine trees grow taller than anything else around them and they grow in groves around the railroad track.
Railroad tracks going through a mountainous landscape. Rocks are piled next to the tracks and foliage grows on the other side. It is noted that this is area is known as the Saint Catharina plats and it is the first view of Serr.
The house of Belgian consul in Joinville, Brazil. It is a one and half story vernacular building. A horse team and bus sits outside the house while two children stand in the doorway and woman leans out of one of the front windows.
Poor German girls have their picture taken in the middle of the street in Joinville, Brazil. They are dressed in gingham dressed and one of the girls is wearing shoes and stockings while the other two are barefoot. In the background, one and half story houses are built along the dirt roadway. Foliage grows up around the houses.
One and a half story vernacular houses in Joinville, Brazil. A wooden fence surrounds the property and a garden grows in the backyard along with trees and other foliage that surrounds the house. The houses are most likely middle classes worker homes.
One and a half story vernacular German house in Joinville, Brazil. The house may be split into two different residences based on the multiple front facades. People can be seen sitting on the porch of the house. A two story house stands behind the main house. A dirt road passes in front of the house. It is noted this is an example of a graceful German house.
Eclectic style house of a German printer-publisher in Joinville, Brazil. Two men walk down the sidewalk in front of the house that is surrounded by an iron and wooden fence. An electrical pole can be seen in the foreground next to a dirt road. An office building stands behind the German house.
Streetscape during a rain storm in Joinville, Brazil. One and a half to two story vernacular houses line the dirt roadway. Foliage grows up around the houses and electrical poles line the street.
Vernacular style one and a half to two story houses in Joinville, Brazil. Looking down the dirt road in front of the houses during a rainstorm. Vegetation grows up around the houses and there is an electrical pole in the foreground. It is noted that this is a good road in Joinville.
Vernacular style one and a half story houses that appear to be center passage floorplans with saltbox style roofs. It is noted that these are German houses in the town of Joinville, Brazil. A dirt road passes in front of the row of houses and vegetation grows up around the houses.
View of the bay at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Sugarloaf Mountain can be seen in the middle of the bay with other mountains and hills rising out of the bay behind Sugarloaf. Rio de Janeiro can be seen at the base of the mountain in the foreground. It is noted that Corcouado and Bonna can be seen in the left foreground. Slide labeled with text, "Made by G.R. Swain, 713 E. University Ave., Ann Arbor, Michigan." Swain was staff photographer at U of M from 1913 to 1947.
Island mountain of Sugarloaf in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Several buildings and roadways can be seen at the base of the mountain. Other mountains and hills rise up from the bay behind Sugarloaf Mountain. Slide labeled with text, "Made by G.R. Swain, 713 E. University Ave., Ann Arbor, Michigan." Swain was staff photographer at U of M from 1913 to 1947.
Russian colonist's house built in the middle of plowed farming land. A grove of tree's grows outside of the house. The house is very modest 1 1/2 story design.
The wives and daughters of Leon Levitt and his brother. It is noted they are Jewish Colonists living in Vasavilbaso, Argentina. Their clothes and shoes are minimalist and they are sitting under a patio with a dirt floor.
Sailing and steam powered boats are moored to a dock on the Parana River in Santa Fe, Argentina. It is noted the boats are wooden. Loading equipment and rail cars are in the right of the picture in order to load the boats.
Streetscape of rowhouses and a cobble stone street. Gothic arched barred windows are on the building to the left. A donkey and cart are driving down the street.
Plaster house in Santa Fe, Argentina. Artistic advertising is painted on the side of the house. The houses of representative of Spanish Colonial architecture
Streetscape in Santa Fe, Argentina. One of the house's juts into the street and doesn't fit into the row of other houses. Trees line the sidewalk next to the street.
Streetscape of houses and trees lining the cobblestone street. A man walks in the street because the house on the corner does not have a sidewalk. A woman stands outside of the house with no sidewalk. The house is labeled Almacen Deal and has ornate detail in the arch above the doors.
El Salto colonists. Three women and their children are standing outside of their houses made of brick. It is noted the women speak German. The clothes of the women and children is reflective of a rural lifestyle.
Russian colony houses in El Salto, Argentina. They are one story stone buildings with wooden doors. A dog and chickens are in the barnyard next to a well pump.
Streetscape of modern architecture with neoclassical influences. Very prominent buildings are on either side of the street. Pedestrians are walking on the sidewalk and in the street.
Streetscape of neoclassical architecture. A prominent apartment building with a dome on the roof sits half way down the street. Pedestrians are walking on the sidewalks and in the street.
Foliage covers an outdoor patio attached to a house in Rosario, Argentina. It is noted this is an average patio. Roman style arches create the patio pavilion and metal bracket lights are used as decoration.
Ornate detail on the front facade of a building in Rosario, Argentina. It has an Italian style influence and has window grilles on the outside. Three men are on the sidewalk outside of the building.
Italian style architecture. Showing the ornate detail on the building. A man with a basket walks in front of the building on the sidewalk. Stone cresting decorates the roof.
Two aristocrats and their maids are walking on the sidewalk. Two men look at the camera in the foreground and the women and girls are walking out of their house.
Barbed wire fence with wooden posts that fences off cultivated fields. A stone house can be seen behind the field. It is noted this is the house of Rossi.
Eucalyptus trees line a dirt walkway in a park in Casilda, Argentina. A metal bench sits beside the walkway for people to rest. A spanish colonialism influenced building can be seen at the end of the path.
Spanish colonialism style building used as an agricultural school. Two men are talking on the porch of the building and potted plants decorate the porch.
Four men and one boy have their picture taken in Casilda, Argentina. It is noted they are the Rossi boys with Italian blood. They are standing outside of a Spanish style building.
A dirt road with ruts from wagon wheels. The road is muddy and has standing water. Scrub brush can be seen on either side of the road. It is noted this is 30 miles from Rosario, Argentina.
A woman and a girl stand outside of their stone and mortar house. It is a single story house with a lean-to porch. It is noted this is the house of Jaime Saldon.
A farmer's rental house. To the right a wooden conveyor allows for buckets of maize to be taken to the top of the pile and dumped creating a large pile of the crop. Fields of maize surround the house and the pile.
Very flat landscape of cultivated fields and several buildings in the background. A windmill stands beside the cultivated field used for power generation or attached to a water pump. A grove of trees is behind the windmill, otherwise the landscape is barren. It is noted that this is the farm of Galeazzi.
Large Ombu tree in Santa Fe, Argentina. A man and a boy are sitting on a wagon pulled by a horse and children stand at the base of the tree. Stone structures can be seen in the background.
Spanish two story houses in Burgos, Spain with gardens in the foreground. Slide labeled with text, "Made by G.R. Swain, 713 E. University Ave., Ann Arbor, Michigan." Swain was staff photographer at U of M from 1913 to 1947.
Landscape of planted fields and mountains in the background. It is noted that the picture shows the area north of Venta de Banos. Slide labeled with text, "Made by G.R. Swain, 713 E. University Ave., Ann Arbor, Michigan." Swain was staff photographer at U of M from 1913 to 1947.
Landscape of planted fields and mountains in the background. A stone wall can be seen in the foreground. It is noted that the picture shows the area south of Venta de Banos. Slide labeled with text, "Made by G.R. Swain, 713 E. University Ave., Ann Arbor, Michigan." Swain was staff photographer at U of M from 1913 to 1947.
The Duero Floodplain. Planted fields are in the foreground and mountains rise in the background in Viana, Argentina. Slide labeled with text, "Made by G.R. Swain, 713 E. University Ave., Ann Arbor, Michigan." Swain was staff photographer at U of M from 1913 to 1947.
Wheat field that has been cultivated and planted. A tree grove is behind the field and the landscape appears to be relatively flat and rocky. Near Valladole, Argentina. Slide labeled with text, "Made by G.R. Swain, 713 E. University Ave., Ann Arbor, Michigan." Swain was staff photographer at U of M from 1913 to 1947.