W. Scott Westerman, EMU Roles and Perspectives Interview, 1972
EMU Roles and Perspectives was taped television program broadcast from the campus of EMU, and produced by Robert Hoexter (1930-1978). Hoexter joined the faculty at the EMU School of Education in 1964, and served as Coordinator of Graduate Advising from 1969-1971. A member of the Faculty Senate from 1973-1976, Hoexter was elected vice-chairman from 1974-1975, and chairman, 1975-1976. In this interview, Hoexter sits down with W. Scott Westerman. Westerman served as Dean of the Eastern Michigan University College of Education from 1971-1992. Westerman’s commitment to quality education brought EMU national recognition for outstanding academic programs and a national reputation as one of the largest producers of quality educators in the U.S. In this interview, primarily about bussing in public schools, Westerman discusses the effect of bussing on the integration of public schools, and the rise in academic performance amongst disadvantaged students when placed with high-achieving students.
Hoexter, Robert
Public school; bussing; public transit; W. Scott Westerman; school integration; public school standards; racism; racial equality
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