Elizabeth Fitt, Oral History Interview, 2023
Elizabeth Fitt
Dr. You Li
Elizabeth Fitt is a freelance photographer based out of Beirut, Lebanon. Her work has been published with various media outlets including the Guardian, the Sunday Times, Forbes, Foreign Policy, the Telegraph, CNN, ABC Australia, The National, Middle East Eye, The New Humanitarian, The New York Post, and the New Scientist. She also writes on environmental issues for Mongabay.
In this interview, Fitt recalled the ground situation in Lebanon and the extreme caution and effort it took her to photograph vulnerable communities during lockdowns. Her projects depicted the overwhelming and devastating scenes in the ICU Wards, the food distribution among the underprivileged communities in the south of Lebanon, and other high-profile events. She also recalled the extraordinary experience of photographing a wedding ceremony out of town during a total lockdown. She also commented on local public attitudes toward journalists, collegial relationships, and challenges facing women journalists in this area. She ended the interview with uplifting advice to future generations of journalists.
Exact Date
Lebanon, photojournalism, photography, mental health, freelance journalists, harassment, public perception of journalists, health reporting, marginalized community, Eastern Michigan University Archives, COVID-19, pandemic, women in journalism, journalism, freelance photography
Eastern Michigan University Archives
Run Time
1 hour, 5 minutes, 20 seconds
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