Children dressed as cats on stage. One is dressed like a king and stands over the rest. The emulsion on the bottom right corner has faded away. From an envelope titled "Christmas Play, December 1941."
Snow covers a large field near a residential area. A fence and row of trees separate the field from the houses. From an envelope titled "Snow Scenes, Woods, Feb. 25, 1940."
Six students stand on a railroad track. They are wearing winter coats and appear to be shivering because of the wind. From an envelope titled "School Scenes, Mar. 1933."
Students on stage decorate a living room for Christmas. One child is placing tinsel on a tree while another is dragging in a log. From an envelope titled "Christmas Play, 1933."
A group of girls in period costume stand in a half-circle on stage. Two girls confront each other in the center. From an envelope titled "Music Assembly, Elementary, Mar. 1940."
Children dressed as maidens and Saxon yeomen stand on stage. One boy appears to have been caught and tied up by the others. From an envelope titled "Elementary Assembly, Christmas 1937."
Roosevelt School's front lawn near the street, where cars are parked. Roosevelt School is not visible. From an envelope titled "Roosevelt and Pierce Hall. Oct. 23, 1946."
Students type at their desks; they are using L.C. Smith typewriters. Assignment due dates are written on the chalk board: Friday, April 30 and Thursday, May 7. From an envelope titled "To be printed"
Vegetables displayed on tables. Drawings of vegetables are hanging from the wall above a banner that states "Third Grade." From an envelope titled "Hobby Show, 1943."
A photo of a stream running through the woods. A woman stands on a hill far in the background. From an envelope titled "College Camera Film. Mar. 18, 1943."
Students and adults watch football players huddle on the field. The water tower is visible in the background. From an envelope titled "Football Assembly, Oct. 1, 1937."
Miss Supe examines a child in the clinic. Another student sits in a chair with a thermometer in her mouth. From an envelope titled "Miss Supe, Clinic, Mar. 1938."
A stream from the campus pond curves near farmland and houses. Sidewalk appears to be connecting similar looking houses. This may be the creation of a new subdivision. From an envelope titled "Spring Scenes, 1933, V.P. Scenes."
Members of the boys cooking club pose with their teacher in a classroom. A few of the boys wear aprons and hold dishware. From an envelope titled "Boys Cooking Club."
A small pond in a garden. A decorative rock structure is in the middle of the pond. Yucca plants circle the pond. A birdhouse is visible in the background. From an envelope titled "Fall Scenes, 1933. Science Garden, Pond- Back Campus."
A member of the track team poses in the start position outside. Roosevelt School appears in the background. From an envelope titled "Spring Sports, 1933."
A photograph of the basketball team and their coach in the gym. The players are wearing their team jackets. From an envelope titled "Basketball, Mar. 10, 1939. N.G."
Children sit inside a college float. "History-Government-Health" is written on top of the float. "1849-1936, Michigan State Normal College, 'Four Score and Seven Years'" is written at the bottom. From an envelope titled "College Float, 1936."
Trees and a field covered with ice. A man walks across the field. A woman stands near parked cars on the sidewalk. From an envelope titled "Campus, Ice on Trees. Mar. 13, 1939."
Family photograph of four children. The original photograph appears to have been taken during the early 1900s. From an envelope titled "McCandless, Anspach."
A photograph of the basketball team and their coach in the gym. The players are wearing their team jackets. The negative is heavily faded. From an envelope titled "Basketball, 1942-1943. 10 each, 5 cents. Use 1 negative each."
A man and woman walking on separate sidewalk paths. Cars are parked on the adjacent street. From an envelope titled "Campus Scenes. Menzies' negatives."
Statue of a crossing guard, placed in the street outside Roosevelt School. The statue holds a sign that states "School Zone Slow." From an envelope titled "Roosevelt School Bldg. 3 Prints of each, glossy."