Alley with stone road. Cars parked on the left side. Buildings lining the street. Two people center walking down the road. Doors and windows are rectangular.
Brick roadway on a slope bottom center. Buildings made of brick on the sides of the road. Building in center has moss growing up the side of the building. Cars parked center of image.
Ruins are very white and light. Blue water in background with a boat. Broken columns and large rectangular stones. Hills in background beyond water. Grass bottom egde.
This staduim is part of a sanctuary dedicated to Apollo. Dated to 4th century BCE. Image taken from seats of stadium. Groupings of people in lower level seats as well as the center of the arena. Set of wooden stairs top right corner at edge of stadium center with a man at the top. Trees top edge.
Right section of building is central to image. Clock above entrance. Garden has statue center left side. garden has grass, trees, flowers, and benches. Groupings of people on sidewalk bottom edge.
Arch de triumph du Carrousel center. Three arches, center one is largest. Sculptures throughout the arch. Inscription top center. Top of arch dark horses and people statues. Groupings of people throughout the lower section of image. Trees on sides and behind arch.
A triumphal arch dedicated in AD 203 to commemorate the Parthian victories of Emperor Septimius Severus and his two sons, in the two campaigns against the Parthians of 194/195 and 197-199. Groupings of people lower hald and right edge center.
Arched bridge with three levelsupper right quadrant, over river. Groupings of people on bridge. One person in water lower center. Trees on hilly landscape around bridge.
Five arches at the bottom of building as well as upper floor. Upper arches more decorative. Groupings of people lower half of image. Statues under lower arches.
Background foggy hills with buildings. Lower left corner large multi-level building. It has a brown roof with many dormers. Two tower structures behind it with green tops. Lower right corner trees throughout and roofs of buildings. Upper right corner part of a building decoration.
Statue upper right corner in front of Buckingham Palace. People gathered at the base of the statue. Guards in red on horses lower half of image. Trees upper left center.
Closeup of astronomical clock face. Clock installed 1410, on the wall of Old Town Hall. The four figures flanking the clock are set in motion on the hour.
Buildings with balconies. Central woman carrying something above her head. Brick sidewalk and street. Central transport truck. Front half of car right center edge. People throughout image. Four striped black and white poles top right.
Connected buildings all with dormers. Cobblestone ground. Lower half filled with people, umbrellas, and benches. Looks like town square or market area.
Back end of Louvre. Cars on street. Building surrounded by metal fence. Many architectural styles. Multi-level. Upper floor has columns on the outside. Roofline has a balustrade.
Base of Eiffel Tower, cannot see the entire thing. Trees line the sides with people and chairs between the trees. Buildings can bee seen through the bottome of the tower.
Lower half beach with a boat in the sand. People around the boat and on it. Cliffs above the beach. Light colored buildings on the cliffs. Right edge cave.
Top looks like The Mint tower in Amsterdam, but the brick base is square not polygonal. Traditional dutch gable building on left with stepped gable. Gable end toward street. Roofs are red. Groupings of people bottom right corner.
Top looks like The Mint tower in Amsterdam, but the brick base is square not polygonal. Bells can be seen in the top. Gable ends of buildings towards the street on lower left and right side.
Background building has four black domes visible on the roof. One central to the building is the largest with a golden cross on the top. Smaller domes hace a golden ball on the top. Middle of image trees and plants. Lower image brickwork with groupings of peopl on int and lamp posts. Right upper side of image has a rectangular building.
Center black statue holding a spear in right hand and shield in left on top of a simple cart. Behind statue is round stone structure. Bottom section grass. Trees upper right central edge.
Built in the 1750s as a symbolic gateway to the city. left side is the Porte. Curved buildings on either side of it. Buildings are extremely dirty. Cars parked on side of road.
Bremen Cathedral, town hall, and town square. Two different colored roofs, green on the town hall and reddish brown on the cathedral. People gathered and walking throughout the square. Church has a clock tower upper left corner. Seperate buildings left side of image with red roof and numerous white framed windows. Roland statue in front of church center of image.
Background building is closeup of Bremen Cathedral and town hall. Can see the statue of Roland left center. Cathedral roof is reddish brown. Roof on the town hall on theright is green. Clock tower on left upper corner. Town hall has arches below, forming a colonnade. Groupings of people lower half of image throughout the market square. Green bush left side of image lower half. Gothic Architecture.
Tall statue of Roland iwth a man in a blue jacket posing in front, on the base steps. Statue is holding a sword in the right hand and has a shield covering left side of chest. Background buildings are connected with numerous windows and red roofs. Groupings of people between the statue and the buildings, on both the left and right side of image.
Statue of rooster on cat on dog on donkey left center. Persons arm in blue shirt lower left corner. Child at base of statue at the front of it. Grouping of people lower right corner and behind statue base. Background buildings with many windows. Erected 1953, fairy tale of Brothers Grimm.
Tower on right side, cannot see the top. Arched doorway at the base and three arched windows above it. Stairs leading to arched door lower right. Tower connected to building with multiple floors. Roofline is decorative with crenellations and looks like roof is flat. Windows are arched. Groupings of people lower section of image, some on stairs.
Monument dedicated to the founder of St. Petersburg, Peter the Great. Built under Catherine the Great created by Etienne Maurice Falconet from 1768 - 1782. Monument on left side. Buildings in background. People along fence line.
Close up of a building in Bremen Market Square. Very ornamented building. Elaborate decoration around entrance, with four columns and a fan light above the wooden door. Two oculus' on the sides of the door at the same height as the fan light. Between the outer columns, under oculus, tall thin windows. Entablature above entrance. Tall thin windows. Symmetrical facade. Crow-stepped gable. Dormer is decorated, with a ship above the window and a green roof, different from the rest of the roof.
Looks like a tour of the interior of a building. Woman in red dress presumably the tour guide. Grouping of people surrounding the woman in the red dress. Chandeliers on the ceiling. Decorative ceiling details in dolge. These deatils are also reflected on the walls and doors. Two paintings on the right side of image on the wall.
Multi-level building with steep roof. Upper right corner church-like building behind large building. Entrance to building section on the right has a clock above it. Left part of building has a rounded tower. Lower half garden square with grass, trees, and flowers. Paths with benches surround garden. Lower right corner woman in a red skirt.
Austrian national Theatre. Created in 1741. Left side of image is facade of building. Numerous columns and doors, and large windows. Roofline has statues. Multiple carse parked on the street center of image. Few people amongst the cars.
Body of water middle. Stone houses upper section with numerous chimneys and a lot of windows. Grouping of people lower half, at least eight people in the image on sidewalk in front of canal. Metal railing in front of canal.
Wall upper and left side. Town buildings on hill with red roofs. Buildings light colors and many windows. Trees sporadic throughout hill and buildings.
Castle fortifications with a moat-like bridge. People standing on bridge, which has arches underneath. Bridge leads to an arched doorway to the castle. Towers have wooden walls, as does the right side of the castle wall.
Ceremonial facade of Palace of Queluz. Enlarged from mansion estate to palace in 1747. This summer residence became the permanent home of King Pedro III and Queen Maria I from 1794 to 1807 when they left for Brazil during the French invasion. Architectural styles are baroque, rococo, and neoclassicism. Fountain and statue in lower right cornor. People hidden by part of the fountain center right edge.
Groupings of people lower half. Church has two towers and a large central entrance. Initials S.G. are central above the door almost at the top. Statues decorate the building. Tile shingles. Towers have arched windoes. Right side of building has a domed roof, with a circular window in it. Tall elaborate wooden doors.
Church with a pointed tower. Scaffolding on the tower. Church upper poertion of image. Bottome portion of image rooftops of differing heights. Some roofs very steep. Stepped gable lower right corner. Roof tiles unique. Mnay chimneys.
Back of church. Two pointed towers left center, one smaller pointed tower on roof. Roof is dark brown with many dormers. Trees and branches top and bottom of image. Building left and right of church.
White building, right middle. Nine corinthian columns at the fron center of the building, which is symmetrical. Steps leading up to entrance of the building. Decorative details include statues and cornice detailing. No windows visible. Two street lamps on steps of building. Groupings of people in front of steps on walkway, lower left corner.
Church-like building with two clock towers on the sides with onion domes on the top. Statues on building and in front. Parked cars lower section. Groupings of people lower half. Birds on ground lower right corner. Trees left and right edges.
Center clock tower with a black and gold clock. Bell at the top of it. Arch at the base for cars to drive through. Buildings connected on left, multi-level. Swiss flags center hanging from buildings. Cars parked along stree which leaded to the arch. Fountain lower right corner with red flowers.
Top left clocktower. Building has another tower. Pink columns on right side of the building. Bright pink Ford car lower right corner. Center birght green car. Left lower center cars parked. Right center edge side of a building.
Clocktower center, surrounding building with crenellations and additional towers. Arches at base of building. Statue center lower image. Entrance at bottom of clocktower. Groupings of people throughout lower image.
At the end of the street is the clock tower. Buildings line the sides of the street and upper floors over hang over lower ones-jetty. Three people on the street. Two cars.
Closeup of facade of church with two towers and clock between. Steps leading up to building. Restaurant lower left corner. People in groupings on steps. Tree branches lower right edge.
Closeup of mountain with snow, upper half of image. Body of water lower half of image with people in it. Hilly grass area between mountains and water in center with people scattered throughout. Bottom right corner bank of water.
Roland statue in center. Two people standing on the steps of the base of the statue. A couple of people sitting on the steps on the right side. People looking at the statue. People sitting in chairs left side lower corner and a person with a bike. Buildings behind the statue are connected with red roofs.