"Proposed Demonstration Agricultural School Ypsilanti State Normal College" Back Side


"Proposed Demonstration Agricultural School Ypsilanti State Normal College" Back Side
The item is a printed paper, approximately 8.5"X11". The item is an educational pamphlet addressed to "Qualified school electors" who would be voting on a proposed elementary and high school for Ypsilanti and August Townships. The item depicts a rendering of what the proposed demonstration school would look like along with text stating what the school would include. There is a front and back to the handout.
Michigan Board of Education
Michigan--State Board of Education, Lincoln Consolidated School District--1920s, Michigan State Normal College--History, School buildings--Michigan--Washtenaw County
extracted text
.« received from the State Board of Education for transportation purposes. We also get from State
for aid in maintenance $1000 per year. - f ,

These are some of the facts to remember:

(1) We get a complete twelve orade school with manual training, agriculture, auto mechanics,
and home economics for the high school. ‘ ~

(2) We get one teacher for each grade in the elementary school, plus a teacher for the Oppor-
tunity Room in the grades. , | e

(3) We get training teachers in our school furnished without expense to us.

(4) We get a community hall that will accommodate our community needs.

(5) We get all this at a cost to us of less than our present one-teacher schools are actually cos-

F ting us NOW. | j
_ - (6) Besides this we get the benefits of the Michigan State Normal College and OUR school

will become the mecca toward which those interested in progressive rural education, throughout, not
only Michigan and America, but even the entire world will turn for inspiration and suggestion. Under

these conditions we feel that there should not be EVEN ONE VOTE against the bonds.

; At Kalamazoo, recently, in one district operating under similar conditions to this, there were
: two hundred and five votes cast with ONLY FIVE against the bonds. Can we not do EVEN BET-
TER and make it UNANIMOUS? Without reservation, we recommend this action. "
August 14, 1923. _ ' ,




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