Rural Training Centers Affliation Agreement page 1


Rural Training Centers Affliation Agreement page 1
Michigan--State Board of Education, Lincoln Consolidated School District--1920s, Michigan State Normal College--History, School buildings--Michigan--Washtenaw County
extracted text

Between the Michigan State Normal College,Ypsilanti,

Mjchigan, and certain rural school districts in the wicinity
of Ypsilanti, entered into on this the 18th dey of May,1923


The parties to this agreement are the school officers of
o R e T e N e Township,
o o ow R SRR e « « » oCounty and the
Michigan State Normal Ccllege.

II. The purposes of this affiliation are:

1. To provide the best school possible under the
existing conditions in the above mentioned
district. . .

2/ Po provide practice facilities for the students
of the Mjchigan State Normal College who are in
training for rural teachers,

III. The terms of this affiliation are as follows:


The School Board of said district agrees:

l. To maintain the school building in good state of
repair providing for the heat, light, water,school
equipment and all those things which it would
provide for the school under ordinary conditions
when not affiliated with the Normal College.

2. To pay an annual salary of . . . . . . . .dollars
toward the salary of the critic teacher for the
school, said teacher to be nominated by the
Michigan State Normel Cpllege.

5. That the school term shall be of the same length
as that of the Normal Training School, the same
schedule for beginning and closing the school term
and for vacations to be observed in the rural
training schools as in the Normal Training School,

4., To provide janitor service for the school.

B. The Mjchigan State Normal Cpllege agrees:

l. To select the very best teacher available to serve
as critic for the school, said teacher to be
satisfactory to the school board of said district,
and to pay said teacher a sufficient amount in
addition to that paid by the school district to
secure her services/