Rural Training Centers Affliation Agreement page 2


Rural Training Centers Affliation Agreement page 2
Michigan--State Board of Education, Lincoln Consolidated School District--1920s, Michigan State Normal College--History, School buildings--Michigan--Washtenaw County
extracted text
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2. To supplement the materials provided by the school
district to the amount of $2.50, per pupil,supply=
ing in compliance with this agreement, paper
towels, library paste, hectographing'materials,
crayolas, etc., to the end that work of a high
order may be possible,

3. To give the highest degree of supervision possible
to all practice teaching and to co-operate in
every way with the school district to the end that
the school may be made efficient and the communi ty
made happy.

C. It is mutually agreed by both parties:

l. That the above schedule for the teacher's salary
- and for materials shall be for the year 1§23-24,

2. That this agreement may be terminated at the close
of any school year upon the wish of either party
to the agreement. |

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