Contract (Lincoln School) page 1


Contract (Lincoln School) page 1
Michigan--State Board of Education, Lincoln Consolidated School District--1920s, Michigan State Normal College--History, School buildings--Michigan--Washtenaw County
extracted text
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Whereas, for the promotion of education through the better
preparation of teachers, the State of Michigan, upon the recommendation
of the gstate board of educaticn at the 1921 session of the Legislature

pasged a law requiring at least one year of professicnal training in

- a state normal school or in a similar institution of learning above

the bourses provided in an approved four year high schoocl, as
determined by the Superintendent of Public Instruction before a
teacher's certificate can be issued to an applicant, and

hereas, it is deemed advisable and necessary by the state
board of education that the state normal schools have larger training
facilities to carry out the requirements of the law, therefcre to
provide for a thorough understanding and the fullest cooperation
between the faculty of the Michigan State Normal College, the steate
board of education and the board of educaticn of the Rural Agricultural
gchool District Number One, Washtenaw County, Michigan, this contiract
is éntered into bvetween the state board of education and the board of
education of rural agricultural school district, acting for sailcd
rural agriculturaischool digtrict.

Thie Agreement is entered intoc this day of

AeDe 19, between the state board of education, authorized by the
constitution of thise staté and operating under the provisions of its

statutes, party of the first part, and the board of education of the

“rural agricultural school district, County of Washtenaw, and the

state of Michigan, party of the second part, acting for said rural
agricultural school district.

The said party of the second part for and in consideration
of the benefits hereinafter set forth to be received from the party

of the first part, agrees on behalf of said district to purchase a

‘gite in said district, to erect a suitable school building thereon

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