"(Minutes at State Board of Education 1917-18, page 35)..." page 1


"(Minutes at State Board of Education 1917-18, page 35)..." page 1
Michigan--State Board of Education, Lincoln Consolidated School District--1920s, Michigan State Normal College--History, School buildings--Michigan--Washtenaw County
extracted text
(Minutes State Board of Education 1917-18

"The ge

page 35)

munication from My :

Board of Education at Ipsilanti,

tween the State Board of Educatlon

axtenaien of Hormal College training
n moti matter wasg referred

3cretary presented a con
H.Z, Wilbar, secretary of the
relative to the agreement be
at Ypsilanti concerning

work in the city schools,
to Mr., Cody with power to act

(Minutes State Board of Ed ication 1917-18, page 58)

"The Secre vary presented a communication from the
- City Board of Education n of Ypsilanti ralutivm to the use of

the city schools for trainixa purposes. On motion, the follow-
ing minutes of agreement between the State Board of Education
and the City Board of Education 0 Ypsllanti were accepted:

1. pridvilege to use certain rooms in the oity
schools for t@a-her~trainizg purposes is to be granted by the
City Board of Edunatien‘to ~“a ta»e'aormal College. The grades
and rooms to be used gnated by the City Beard of
Eduaation}uponrocowwe.datiofi ~f the :,perintandant of the Oity
Schools. The teachers in charge of the rooms so used shall be
employed by the City Board *f Education, upon recommendation of the
Superintendent of City Schools and the Superintendent of the
Training School. The teachers so employed shall be regarded both
as teachers in the city schools and members of the faaulty'of
th@Narmml College Training School.

he num sachers to be assigned to
each gmdo m tha oity _wla aha:ll M determined by conference
between the Superintendent of the City Schools and the Superin-
tendent of the Training School.

" The salaries of the t&amhara in charge of the
rooms used f@r training purposes shall be termined by the
City Board of Education. Suoch aalarias shall be pald one-half
by the City Board of Education and c ne-half by the State lla.rd
of Education,

"4, The assignment of student teachers to the city
schools shall be made by t he 8uper1wvendent of the Training
School. The details of the work to be done, including the re-
ports to be made, are to ba'daterminad‘by oenfaranca between the
S8uperintendent 0f the Training School and the Superintendent of
the City Schools. All final reports, either of student teachers
or of teachers 1; @h;f' of the rooms used for training purposes,
8he 8 *fld né wtarintauxent of the City Schools and by


' “uperintendent of the Training School. It