"(Minutes at State Board of Education 1917-18, page 35)..." page 2


"(Minutes at State Board of Education 1917-18, page 35)..." page 2
Michigan--State Board of Education, Lincoln Consolidated School District--1920s, Michigan State Normal College--History, School buildings--Michigan--Washtenaw County
extracted text
juperintendent of the Traini:w

shall have the privilege of observing all student tasrhers and
suggesting to the Superintendent of the City S8Schools any
changes or modifications in the plan of work being followsd.

"5. By virtue of his connection with t he teacher-
training work, the Superintendent of the City Schools shall

be recogniged by t he Btate Board of Ed.aafison.aa a member of
the State Normal College faoulty, w W'is e \1t1@ @f'Asaigtanx
Director of Training. He shall be paid : gservices suoh
salary, in addition to his sa.lary as lu'
-8chools, as the State Board of Equcation and tha 1ty Board,ef
Education shall deem just .

"6, It is underetood t he agreement
apply to the rooms an( gra&@u of the &i-ys*caals haratofora
‘*uaed fox trainirz yuw**@aa as w@ll ns tO auch, othere as may now

is understood that th@ Sup

{ la agreement may terminated at any time by
eifher arty‘thsretQ. )ruvimfixw six months notlioce of fiudh
tsrmination shall have kean,givmn,ta'tha other paxty. ihe
agreemant may be altered or amended at any timo by mutual consent
of the two boards concerned,

by vota of the ltate'““