"(Minutes at State Board of Education 1918-19, page 117)..."


"(Minutes at State Board of Education 1918-19, page 117)..."
Michigan--State Board of Education, Lincoln Consolidated School District--1920s, Michigan State Normal College--History, School buildings--Michigan--Washtenaw County
extracted text
(Minutes State Board of Education 1918-19, page 117)

"The State Board of Egucation adopted the following
raaolution relaxiva to thxqaffiliation of th@ Michi;sntatato
Normal College with the city schools of Yp 3ilant!

'Whenaaa, The Board of Education of Ypsilanti hae
expressed itself in favor of an affiliation of the city schools
with the Normal C loll&ge whereby the superintendent of the
training school shall become the superintendent of the clity
schools and the financial support of tho eity'aohoola shall be
met by the school district and ¢ h t
in such proportion as shall be «

"Whereas, An enabling act of the 1e¢1:1ature is
necessary to legalize such affiliaticn, and

"393'1V°¢a ‘hat the 8tate Board of Edunation‘harsby
axproasoa to tha Oity *@&3d of Emfl~A-\~' it

“1 he Uiy Bo
plan of affiliamien. :
distriot for app§.¥g1,

the State Board draw up a

submitted to the school

1 ) distri _ ,
ing ?~e logialatrra, the leglslatux
thea. ba aakod to pass an enabl ing aot."

Board of Education 1919-20, page 175)

, ‘i“;uwtiin, the following recolution wasa adopted:
That a closer affiliation between the Btate Normal College and

the city schools of Ypeilanti is desirasble and that a committee
from each board be appointed to consider the matter and submit

some definite plan for bringing about such affiliation, ¥