Rural Education Roster 1925-1926 page 1


Rural Education Roster 1925-1926 page 1
Michigan--State Board of Education, Lincoln Consolidated School District--1920s, Michigan State Normal College--History, School buildings--Michigan--Washtenaw County
extracted text
i 1925~~l°90

Ableson, Donna 206 Normal Street . owt g
Anderson, rlorence 0 MR BdlLard e a 983 X
i".‘..wlw\,vJ..SOfl’ F:E: neceER | ‘ | 912 Peaj*"‘ . | el Lo 1020 v

Be “?.»J* ‘t ‘3; ) ’“fl ”.l . b 3.. .L’le & ' }'Lll &38411 al'd- . » arn » ' o 9 21 I‘
Sinans, T, Marius . g2k Sheridan

Blaclmore, kabecl - 781 Lowell i - hel u
Boyer, Helen o 1001¥a3htefla L e

Brace, Maxine = ‘ 921 Orosg o i g2 W
Brooke, Lucille ' 131uoWlege Place . v -9
Brooks, Thelma i 125 N. Hamilton : e
Brown, Lthel 502 N. Hemilton o - gi2 U
Breitinwischer, liildred Ti6 Py o . 890N
Bury, Esther S. ‘ Lo TR ‘ 1025 W

Cady,. Donna, ~ RY ¥psilenti
_ Ca,l"pen‘t e, I.xBJDell i . - 42% ..3 c:..,....t..l & ¢
~Sgsrr. Gledys. . e E..i{milt0°
~ Carr, laxine 5 - 423 N. Hamilton e e _
~ Cetey, Josephine N mte ‘ ‘ 410 1.
- Caughlin, iillie A. 917 Cxoss w : 8ol W
CheTry, Regina 9% jowell » 562 1
Clark, Ardith ca 501 Ellis ' ~ L '

. TS v R
‘figx ¥ Sa S 0% g 5

~ Cobb, Elva W. G \ 423 W. Haizilton . ‘
—Colline, Alice E.NMWYY © 10 Conjrees G . 641 R
Corlz, Martha E. i v B e i 673 4
\NCIQWIO;d Alyne B, . 5HIlf 8¢, Jomm i e
Curtis, £1cie G. 202 N. Sunmualt ; 510 J
Curtis, Freida e 64 Washtenaw ¢
— Curtis, Netelle Adele il Olive - i AR

- Dehn., Flovence e : ' o
““D@Jong, Orantha 130001;0” e Place
Denslow, 'mzlureé e pla D 131 College Place e ’
Doil, DoTis o o N, Oroes ‘ \ g2 W
_Drew, Dorotny , Denton i Lo s At
DUdney, Elouise ) by . 57T ®
.ullwanger, Don R. . - 239 Rs Summit _ . 5
Zr~1ish, Florence B 251 Summis 4_ ; ' -GN R

Ferr, Francis 309 Brower ‘ S 159 J
IFegan, pelen As: 221 N, Summit L - 200 R

Feuerstein, Zmme - 7150 Lowell . . &5 W
'wlnnegan,iBe“filce 75 bowedl - | 52l U
L) & Sher Lucinde, L . Pl} mouth LBZFILL
Ficgk, Isabel x 202 N, Summit ot = 816 J
Fuller, Maxine 802 Pearl B . i Sl

] o- = Gatzke, Marie ~ R.8, Ann Arbor g74

. B < Grice, Ruby o 41) B. o _ 296 R

= 0 Grass Mesabath = 2 0 Emmet e i

= > Gray, Beatrice ey _ 22 M ' 1098 W
ey JUtChess %el’fl.lce ‘ A% N wOJ mal - S 550 . =