

Part of "Newly Organized Trail Blazers" pg. 2

extracted text
(Continued from page one)

ting appreciation of Miss Ella Smith |
for the past two years acting head

| of the Rural School Department.

Mr. J. A. Puffer, special speaker
for Child Welfare Week being caiied H
upon, urged the necessity for worid-
mindedness as against provincialism.

The last speaker was President a
MeKenny who gathered up the sali- |
ent points of each speaker., He]|
stressed the fact that the time had|
come for strong work in the rural |
| schools of Michigan, and with Dr|
Pittman as head of the Rural Edu- |
cation Department and witn the leg- |
islative demands for more brofes-|
sionzl training, and the enthusiasm
of the Trail Blazers as symbolic of |
the hour, he felt confident the Nor- |
" mal College would do her share of |,

the work worthily.

He mentioned the affiliation of the
Normal College and Michigan Agri- |
cultural College for a four years|
course for training of superintend- |
ents of the consolidated schools thut |
are already organizing, spoke of |
stronger support needed for County
Normal Schools possibly likewise to |
| have them consolidated schools and |
| with longer courses. Altogethe - |

Prexy was at his best, and as usual, |
of late, closed with a word of the|
Memorial Park, his dream made nos- |
sible by this year’s action of the}
Mer’s Union, and pointed out that |’
we were gathered on the very spot
that was to commemorate our sol-|

diers of the onld stars.

The picnic ended with a yell led

| by Dr. Pittman—“Which is the big-
sest week in summer school—Next |

e, o
<o j

week—Rural School Education.”

e o S A N . .‘ 5 ]

It must be admitted that the Ru-
ral Education students, known on the
campus as the Trail Blazers, are a

wide-awake group. The yells and

songs given at the last assembly by |
the Trail Blazers was evidence of
the fine spirit which earmarks the
