Letter from Denise Levertov to Louise Kertesz
Letter from Denise Levertov to Louise Kertesz
Dated January 20th, 1981. A handwritten letter on three small pages from Denise Levertov to Louise Kertesz. States that Louise has done a good job publicizing the book and getting people’s attention. Denise suggests that Louise write to Hayden Carruth from the University of Syracuse (which Louise later does) and get him to review it. Says that one day, Louise’s book will be looked at as important. Also contains a photocopy, dated October, 1980, from Choice, of a description of Louise’s book. “Along with the recently published Collected Works …, this book should do much to locate Rukeyser within the pantheon of modern American poets. Whether or not the high praises Kertesz lavishes on the poetry will hold up in later years remains to be seen in further, possibly more disinterested, studies.”