List of people that Muriel Rukeyser was close to and their occupations
List of people that Muriel Rukeyser was close to and their occupations
Undated, labeled ‘San Francisco 1944-1949. Handwritten by Muriel Rukeyser, it contains a list of people that Muriel was close to and their occupations while she lived in S.F.: Herbert Evans, US anatomist, biologist; Mare de L. Welch, writer, poet, “close friend”; Matthew Barnes, painter, plasterer for Diego Rivera; Alfred Marshak, geneticist, U-C, radical; Glyn Collins, “painter, husband”; Donan Jeffers, “one of the twin sons of Robinson Jeffers–unique, wild, splendid, ‘out of time with the century’”; Kenneth Rexroth, “poet, scholar”; Freda Koblick, “sculptor, artist in plastics; Josephine Miles, poet; David Jenkins and Louise, California Labor School; Thomas Addis, renal scientist, radical; Emmy Lou Packard, artist, muralist; Dorothy Erskine, social activist, city planning; Lene [?] Goldsmith and Nancy Naumburg, “friends from earliest life in New York”: Dr. Eric Bena, psychiatrist Carmel–wrote Innas [?]; Robert Duncton, poet. People Play, died in Action: Stapled to a postcard from Muriel Rukeyser to Louise Kertesz in which she mentions additional people who “were important to me in California.”