Group photo at Aare Gorge in front of a rock with names scratched into it. Fifteen people in lower half, with the arm of another person visible on the left edge.
Woman lower right corner in sungalsses. Water lower half. Left center white building with tower and red roof. Center tall pointed black tower. Cars parked along street.
It was designed by Bertel Thorvaldsen and built in 1820�21 by Lukas Ahorn. To commemorate the Swiss guards who were massacred during the French Revolution. Water bottom edge. Lion Monument center.
Church-like building with two clock towers on the sides with onion domes on the top. Statues on building and in front. Parked cars lower section. Groupings of people lower half. Birds on ground lower right corner. Trees left and right edges.
Ruins covered in greenery. Vines on building ruins. Grass on old structures lower half. Deteriorating structures. Newer building roof visible center right.
Closeup of columned monument. Can see detailing of top and base. Statues top right corner and between the columns. Three people bottom, two right corner, one middle.
Basilica in brick behind electoral palace. Garden in front with fountain. Statues bottom half. Woman near distant statue. Flowers surrounding the fountian and throughout the garden.
Built in the 1750s as a symbolic gateway to the city. left side is the Porte. Curved buildings on either side of it. Buildings are extremely dirty. Cars parked on side of road.
Theatre has twelve columns across the front. Red bus in front of building. Stairs leading up to building. Road lower half. Groupings of people near columns. Building was designed by architect Victor Louis. Inaugurated 1780.
Roman emperor statue center of image. His right arm is raised and the statue is placed under an arch with two broken columns on the sides. The surrounding building is deteriorating.
Center woman in red dress with hat and gloves. Groupings of people throughout. Guard standing by wall right side. Arched structures background. Ground is cobblestone.
Tower has columns on most levels. Tilt began during construction. Construction completed 1372. Made of marble and stone. Groupings of people bottom half. Cathedral right edge.
Dark gothic church right side. Vertical decorative elements. Statue lower center. Groupings of people lower edge. Lighter smaller building left side with a connecting covered section between the two buildings.
Groupings of people lower half. Church has two towers and a large central entrance. Initials S.G. are central above the door almost at the top. Statues decorate the building. Tile shingles. Towers have arched windoes. Right side of building has a domed roof, with a circular window in it. Tall elaborate wooden doors.
Lower half of church. Group of people in the foreground. Stone street. Car section bottom right corner. Founded in the 11th century by Saint Stephen, King of Hungary in 1015.
Palace in the background. Metal fence in foreground with gates closed. People on either side of the gate. Center bottom woman in a blue dress and yellow sungalsses. Trees on both sides of the fenced in area.
Greek building. Front part looks llike Pantheon with large columns holind up a pediment. Pediment has carvings in it. Steps leading to the entrance. People groupings in front of building. Trees on either side of building.
Group picture on boat. Water seen through windows on boat. Above boat can see hillside with buildings. Man in front with white shirt and black tie. Women have cat eye sungalsses.
Federal style building with flat roof and decorative fencing along it. Labyrinth lower half of image. Monument of man on horse left center. Tree in labyrinth.
White building with arches on the first floor. Columns can be see on upper floors on two sides of the buildings. Labyrinth lower half. Horse monument right center edge. Tree left center edge.
Monument on edge of water, with a man on a horse at the top. Canoe in water with one person. Railing lower left corner. Water lower half. Trees and branches surround the monument.
Construceted last decade of 15th century. Clocktower center. Groupings of people bottom edge. Yellow chairs right bottom corner. Bell at the top of the tower. Winged lion above clock.
Photo taken from a boat. Boat bottom half. Other boats along water edge. Buildings along water edge as well. Red and white life savers seen on the boat lower center.
Replica of Equestiran Statue of Marcus Aurelius. Located on Piazza del Campidoglio made in 1981. Black brick on ground around statue. Groupings of people central image.
A triumphal arch dedicated in AD 203 to commemorate the Parthian victories of Emperor Septimius Severus and his two sons, in the two campaigns against the Parthians of 194/195 and 197-199. Groupings of people lower hald and right edge center.
Closeup of Trevi Fountain. Baroque fountain. Construction began 1732. Designed by Italian architect Nicola Salvi and completed by Pietro Bracci. People lower half by railing. One walking person on left. Cobblestone road.
Monumental stairway of 135 steps built 1723-1725. People climbing the steps People sitting on the steps. Trinit� dei Monti church at the top of the steps.
Main fa�ade and dome of St. Peter's Basilica. People walking up the steps, and on gorund. Cars lower center parked. Designed by Donato Bramante, Michelangelo, Carlo Maderno and Gian Lorenzo Bernini. Consecrated 1626.
Mountain with snow in the background. Building on rocky cliff, with people on the cliff. Two people lower left on a path. On in plaid the toher in striped shirt. Rocks lower right corner.
Rocky cliffs upper left. Car lower left corner. Woman in black coat lower right corner standing near a wooden wagon. Wooden fence bottom half. Clothes on a line lower right. Buildings scattered left center. Firelds, trees, and hills pictured.
Hotel Savoy can be seen right center edge. Hilly forest in background along with snowy mountain. Line of trees in front of the hotel. Blurry foliage bottom edge.
Image of Piazza San Marco taken from the water. Doge's Palace right, St. Mark's Basilica central distant, red brick on left is the clock tower Torre dell'Orologio, and the building on the left are formerly the homes and offices of the Procurators of St. Mark. A line of boats line the water edge. People can be seen in the center of the square.
Façade of St. Mark's Basilica. Built in the 9th century. Three of the five domes visible. Byzantine and gothic architecture. Groupings of peopls lower half. Yellow chairs with tables lower left corner. Pigeons on the ground.
Doge's Palace left central. Built in Venetial Gothic style architecture in 1340. Winged lion column center. Groupings of people throughout the lower half. Lower center persone in white and black verital striped shirt, black pants, and a hat with a red ribbon. Pigeons on the ground throughout.
Torcello Cathedral had its first renovation in 864, the next one occurred in 1008. Byzantine architecture style. Grouping of people lower left corner. Tower visible upper left corner.
Entrance to St. Mark's Basilica. Church with domes on top in distance. Pigeons on ground between arched doorway and church. People gathered at base of church. Person left lower edge. Byzantine and gothic architecture, stone and marble construction, built in the 9th century.
Groups of people buying and selling flowers. Cobblestone ground, possibly a town center. Man on the right with a hat next to a woman in a yellow dress. Closed umbrella in upper right corner.
Built between 1821 and 1824 designed by Friedrich Weinbrenner, and is currently a spa, casino, and conference center. Corinthian columns seen in front of the building as well as the entablature above the coulumns going around the building.