Photograph of a straw roof house taken in Panama in 1926. The house is constructed of vertical boards that are held together by wrapping wire around the outside. The straw roof is almost conical and projects into the trees, much higher than the actual height of the house. Clothes dry on a clothesline in the background. The property is surrounded by trees. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Photograph of fruit trees growing in Panama in 1926. The trees are possibly Breadfruit Trees but they cannot be confirmed. Large groups of trees hang off of the tops of the trees, which have long slender trunks and only sprout leaves and branches at the top. Dense vegetation grows around the bases of the trees. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Photograph of palm trees taken in Panama in 1926. Dense vegetation growing around the palm trees can be seen. Power lines cross over the palm trees in the foreground. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Photograph of the front yard of a raised house taken in Panama in 1926. Palm trees can be seen concealing a majority of the front facade. The house appears to have multiple stories, all finished with screened in rooms instead of windows. A man with one leg standing at the base of the steps leading up to the top of the house can be seen. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Photograph of a raised house in Panama taken in 1926. The house appears to be a single open room with screens for walls. The house is lifted on tall concrete pillars. There are several benches under the house, which is used as a sitting area. Formed concrete steps lead up to the house. A turkey can be seen walking around the front yard. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Photograph of a man walking past a storefront. It is noted that this photograph was taken in Panama in 1926. The shop is numbered 34 and has all kinds of hand tools hanging off of the front of the building. A hat store can be seen next to the tool store and there is a second story balcony that offers shade to customers stopping in the shop. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Photograph of a courtyard in Panama in 1926. Palm trees and other vegetation are planted outside of what appears to be a hotel. The vegetation can be seen shading different areas of the sidewalk and a bench near the road. The hotel is two stories tall and sits next to a smaller row house. A man with a wagon and horse can be seen driving past parked cars under the row house balcony. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Photograph of a street located in Panama taken in 1926. Several men walk along the sidewalk can be seen in the foreground. All of the buildings are multiple stories and man of them have overhanging porches on each story. A large cupola caps a building in the background. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Photograph of an underground oil tank in Ontario, Canada in July of 1929. The lid of the storage tank is open but oil was not being pumped into the reservoir when the picture was taken. The reservoir is made of thick, metal walls and is held together with metal rivets. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Photograph of an oil refinery plant in Ontario, Canada. It is noted the picture was taken in July of 1929. Tanker cars being filled with refined oil can be seen in the foreground. Smoke is released from the plant in the background. The landscape in the foreground is flat and covered with grass. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Photograph of a covered well from oil drilling located in Ontario, Canada. It is noted the picture was taken in July of 1929. The soil is very rocky with little vegetation. A large drilling tripod stands next to the well. Underneath, there is a drilling machine the tripod. The power house can be seen in the background. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Photograph of the power house from stereographic negative 010_MJ_139_164. The house is characterized by several different elevations. Both of the other units are single stories and are attached to the central portion of the power house. Wildflowers grow up around the house and a wooden fence divides the property in the foreground. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Photograph showing the side of a wooden shelter in Ontario, Canada. It is noted that this photo was taken in July of 1929. The house is a single story with a small window on the back. It is sided with vertical wooden siding and is lifted off the ground by wooden piers. Wildflowers grow in the field around the house. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Photograph of "Jerk rods" in Ontario, Canada. It is noted this photograph was taken in July of 1929. A wooden fence dividing the property with grass and wildflowers can be seen around the fence. Wooden tripods stand in the middle of the field in the background. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Photograph of a drilling apparatus in Ontario, Canada. It is noted the picture was taken in July of 1929. A wooden sawhorse holding a metal spinning wheel that turns the wooden and metal arms attached to it can be seen in the foreground.Grass grows up around the machine. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Photograph of an oil drill in the middle of a field located in Ontario, Canada. It is noted that this photo was taken in July of 1929. Posts driven into the ground for potential drill sights can be seen throughout the field The landscape is flat and there are few trees. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Photograph of waves on the shoreline of Lake Huron. It is noted that this photo was taken in Ontario, Canada in July of 1929.Grass and other vegetation can be seen on the shoreline, crashing into the waves. Trees grow on the shoreline and help to stabilize the bank. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Photograph of a wildflower field in the shadow of a vertical rocky cliff in Ontario, Canada . It is noted that the photograph was taken in July of 1929. Several houses sit at the base of the rocky outcropping and a narrow walking path cuts through the meadow. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Photograph of a small village at the base of rocky cliffs in Ontario, Canada in July of 1929. A stone house and small barn sits below a boulder field in the foreground. It appears that a portion of the addition on the back of the house is being built of deconstructed. There are piles of timber sitting on the roof of the addition. Several other warehouse buildings can be seen in the background, further down the winding road at the base of the cliffs. Trees cover the cliffs and help to hold falling rocks in place. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Photograph of a man on a hill taken in Ontario, Canada. It is noted that this picture was taken in July of 1929. Wild flowers and tall grass grows on the hill and several trees can be seen in the background. The man is standing on a rocky outcrop that has been exposed from the side of the hill after years of erosion. A dirt road passes by at the top of the hill. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Photograph of a concretion in the water of Lake Huron Kettle Point, Ontario, Canada. It is noted the picture was taken in July of 1929. The round concretion was once part of the bedrock that has been eroded by the lake so now the rock formation stands by itself. Shale rock is exposed in the foreground and striation in the rock can be seen in the background. Trees grow on top of the outcropping. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Photograph of a concretion in the water of Lake Huron in Ontario, Canada. It is noted the picture was taken in July of 1929. Shale rock is exposed in the foreground and striation in the rock can be seen in the background. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Photograph of a small ship docked in Ontario, Canada. The stereographic negative notes this is the St. Clair Ferry and was taken in July of 1929. A car sits on the wooden dock next to the ship and several warehouse buildings can be seen in the background. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Photograph of children on the shore of Lake Huron in Ontario, Canada in July of 1929. The bedrock shale has been eroded and is now exposed in the foreground. Large concretions sit on the beach and in the shallow water near the shoreline in the background and trees cover the landscape behind the rocky shoreline. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Stereographic negative of mounted stereograph 010_MJ_137_117 and glass slide 010_MJ_90_065c. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Photograph of a tree line in Kincardine, Ontario, Canada. A car is parked next to the trees to give perspective to their size. The dense forest is full of low-growing vegetation that surrounds the larger trees. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Photograph of a shoreline in Kincardine, Ontario, Canada. The pebbles and rocks on the shoreline have been smoothed over by the water. A large rock island sits in the middle of the lake. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Photograph of a sandy shoreline located in Kincardine, Ontario, Canada. Large boulders stick up out of the shallow water near the shoreline. Debris from the lake can be seen scattered all over the beach. Dune grass and other vegetation grows on the small peninsula in the background that juts out into Lake Huron. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Photograph of a dirt street located in Kincardine, Ontario, Canada. Trees are planted in rows on either side of the street. Grass grows up around the trees and a sign post can be seen on the side of the road to the right. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Photograph of a bog shoreline located in Kincardine, Ontario, Canada. Grass grows up from the swamp area next to the shoreline and rocks cover the landscape. Large boulders stick out of the water in the middle of the lake. The shoreline extends out into the background and trees cover most of it. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Photograph of the side elevation of a house located in Kincardine, Ontario, Canada. The house has a gambrel roof. The side is a large wall dormer with three windows. Boards have been placed over the windows on the first floor to help weatherize them. A small shed can be seen on the back of the house and trees cover the property. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Photograph of a pier in Kincardine, Ontario, Canada. A lighthouse stands on the shoreline behind a stand of trees and several piers extend out into Lake Huron. A building stands in the middle of the trees half way up the grass covered hill in the foreground. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Photograph of a rocky shoreline located in Kincardine, Ontario, Canada. Lake Huron beats against the rocky beach and leaves debris scattered on the sandy portion. Trees and dune grass cover the landscape past the shoreline and steep hills rise in the background. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Stereographic duplicate of glass slide 010_MJ_86_077c. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
A family stands outside of their upright and wing house in Kettle Point, Ontario, Canada. Two women in long dresses stand next to a man in an overcoat and a hat. A child stands by one of the fence posts and a dog is laying in the yard in front of the house. The upright portion of the house is constructed of brick. The wing portion, which is a single story, is constructed of wooden batten siding and has a central chimney. Trees surround the house. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Photograph of a family posed outside of their upright and wing house located in Kettle Point, Ontario, Canada. Two women in long dresses stand next to a man in an overcoat and a hat. A child stands by one of the fence posts and a dog is laying in the yard in front of the house. The upright portion of the house is constructed of brick and has oddly placed windows. The single story wing portion is constructed of wooden batten siding and has a central chimney. Trees surround the house. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Photograph of a rocky shoreline in Kettle Point, Ontario, Canada. Dense vegetation grows next to the shoreline but a small rocky outcropping can be seen at the base of the hill. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Stereographic duplicate of glass slide 010_MJ_86_073c. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Stereographic duplicate of glass slide 010_MJ_86_074c. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Stereographic duplicate of glass slide 010_MJ_86_072c. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Photograph of a georgian style house in Kettle Point, Ontario, Canada. Two chimney stacks rise out of the ridge line on either end of the house. A porch wraps around the back and sides of the house and a brick and siding two story addition extends off the back of the house. Large floor to ceiling windows are installed on both stories of the addition. Trees and grass are overgrown in the backyard of the property and another residence can be seen in the background. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Photograph of the rear view of the house in image 010_MJ_139_134. Two major additions are on the back of the house including a two story gabled extension of the interior of the house and a single story shed roof addition whose roof is a continuation of the original house. A shed building can be seen behind the house and a wooden picket fence divides the property from the field in the foreground. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Photograph of a large house in Kettle Point, Ontario, Canada. The house appears to be a vernacular form of an upright and wing with several additions of the side and back. A covered porch wraps around the side of the house. The first story of the house is covered with brick. A man stands in the backyard by the wooden picket fence and a dog house is built away from the house. The landscape is flat and covered with grass and trees. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Photograph of a stand of trees along Lake Huron located in Kettle Point, Ontario, Canada. The trees all appear to be various species of evergreens. Grass covers the ground and the lake can be seen in the background. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Stereographic duplicate of glass slide 010_MJ_86_075c. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Photograph of a rocky outcropping located in Kettle Point, Ontario, Canada. Several large circular concretions stick out of the shale bedrock, which has been eroded over time by weather coming off of Lake Huron. Trees grow at the top of the outcropping and help to stabilize the bank. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Photograph of a rocky outcropping located in Kettle Point, Ontario, Canada. Several large circular concretions stick out of the shale bedrock, which has been eroded over time by weather coming off of Lake Huron. Trees grow at the top of the outcropping and help to stabilize the bank. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Photograph of a forested hill . A powerline pole and a wooden and wire fence divide the roadway from the field in the foreground. Pine trees and various hardwoods cover the hill the background. The dirt roadway is rutted from tires. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Photograph of a striated rock outcropping. Piles of fallen rock lay at the base of the rock wall and grass overhangs the outcropping. Trees cover the landscape above. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Photograph of rocky islands in the middle of a body of water. Several houses can be seen at the base of the island in the foreground. Several other islands can be seen in the background, all conical shaped and jagged. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Photograph of a rock quarry. Several lines of train tracks circle a warehouse building in the bottom of the quarry. The rock walls are steep and vertical. Several buildings can be seen in the background behind the quarry. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Stereographic duplicate of glass slide 010_MJ_85_005c. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Photograph a steam engine. The engine sits on a large wooden trestle that spans a rock quarry. Two men stand by the cars attached to the engine on the rail line and large boulders sit at the base of the raised line. Timber debris is scattered around the work yard. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Photograph of rolling hills. Weeds cover the hill in the foreground. Grass grows up between the weeds. A stand of trees leads down the hill to a small valley. A farm can be seen in the background. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Photograph of rolling hills. There are few trees and grass covers the hills, which lead down to a low area in the middle of the field. A wooden fence divides the property in the background. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Photograph of an academic building. The building is in the gothic revival style. The building is three stories tall and has a large attached turret. Both the building and the turret have pointed arches and the main building has flying buttresses over the main entrance. Trees surround the building and offer shade to the grounds. Students sit on the steps leading up to the main entrance. A second building can be seen in the background. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Photograph of a man in a long trench coat and a bowler hat in front of a large tree. The landscape is flat and covered with grass. Several fences divide various property lines in the background and these fields were likely used for agriculture. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Photograph of a man in a long trench coat and a bowler hat in front of a large tree. The landscape is flat and covered with grass. Several fences divide various property lines in the background and these fields were likely used for agriculture. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Photograph of a barn and log cabin. The small log cabin is a story and a half. The cabin is constructed of hewn timbers, with chinking filling the cracks in between the logs. A windmill and a gambrel roof barn stands on the property to the right and the landscape is covered with grass and small bushes. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Photograph of a street. A car drives past in the background and a sign on the side of the road reads, "Improved. Stanolind Blue Now 8 Gals. for 1.00. Including tax 3 per Gal." Several vernacular style houses can be seen in the background. A sign in front of the house to the left reads, "US-112." Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Photograph of a snow covered street. The sidewalks and walkways up to the entrances of the houses have been cleared, and the street appears to be clear as well. A large Ontario Cottage style house is in the foreground. A wrap around porch extends across the front and side facades and the main entrance is located over the gable on the front of the house. Several other residences can be seen in the background. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Photograph of two men painting the exterior of an Upright and Wing house. Three men are standing wooden scaffolding on the second floor, while the third man stands next to the house. The house is covered with wooden siding and the men are painting a side gable. A woman stands next to a tree beside the road. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Photograph of four men painting the exterior of an Upright and Wing house. Three men are standing wooden scaffolding on the second floor, while the third man stands next to the house. The house is covered with wooden siding and the men are painting a side gable. A woman stands next to a tree beside the road. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Photograph depicting three men painting the exterior of an Upright and Wing house. Two men are standing wooden scaffolding, while the third man leans against a ladder, posing for the camera. The house is covered with wooden siding with a decorative gable on the front. It extends far back onto the property and has a single visible side gable. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Photograph of a gabled upright house with two entrances. The main entrance to the house is under the front portico. A second entrance is found on the side of the house. Bargeboard detailing hangs from the gables over the front and side of the house, and a fish-scale decorative covering is also found under the gable. Trees help to shade the different facades of the house and the grass is maintained. Concrete walkways and sidewalks define the borders of the property. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Photograph of a Cottage style vernacular house located in Ontario, Canada. The front of the house has a small gable over the main entrance. The house is two stories and has a central passage with two rooms on either side of the hall. A two story addition can be seen on the back and trees surround the house, casting shadows on the different facades. Several other houses can be seen in the background. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Photograph of a vernacular style house with multiple gambrel roof portions. The second story extends past the first story and creates an overhang. Each gambrel roof portion has several windows that let light into the second story. The first floor has a large portico that covers the main entrance. Several other houses can be seen in the background and snow covers the ground. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Photograph of a cattle farm with multiple out buildings and barns. The large two and a half story Upright and Wing farm house stands at the front of the farm, facing the road. Four different outbuildings and barns can be seen behind the house. These buildings appear to be an english style or a slight variation of that style. A large gambrel roof barn stands behind the grazing pasture where the cows are, and a massive stack of hay is constructed next to the barn. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Photograph of a snow covered street. The sidewalks and walkways up to the entrances of the houses have been cleared of snow. A small upright and wing house sits partially outside of the frame of the picture to the left. A large two and a half story house stands to the right. The house appears to have a central passage plan with rooms on either side of the main entrance. A large portico covers the main entrance and oriel windows can be seen under individual gables on the front of the house. Trees are planted in rows beside the road. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Photograph of a large upright house with a wrap around porch. The house is two and a half stories. The house has a front upright portion and a side projection with a bay window. It is likely a side passage floor plan based on the location of the main entrance. A hammock hangs on the front porch and large trees in the front yard offer shade over the house. The roadway passing in front of the house is dirt and is separated from the property by a concrete gutter. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Stereographic negative duplicate of stereograph 010_MJ_139_104. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Stereographic duplicate of glass slide 010_MJ_85_068c. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Photograph of a vernacular style house. The house is two and half stories tall. The first floor is covered in brick. The second floor has a vague tudor appearance. A large projecting wall dormer takes up a majority of the front facade. A hipped roof dormer can be seen on top of the roof. Landscaping around the house is well maintained and ivy climbs the powerline pole in front of the house. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Photograph of a newly constructed house with a jerkin head, hipped roof. Piles of dirt surround the house. Pieces of cut timber are scattered around the yard surrounding the house. A man stands on the edge of the frame to the left in a shallow divot. The house has a back porch and is constructed in a vernacular style. Neighboring houses can be seen across the street. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.
Photograph of a newly constructed house with a jerkin head, hipped roof. Piles of dirt surround the house. Pieces of cut timber are scattered around the yard surrounding the house. A man stands on the edge of the frame to the left in a shallow divot. The house has a back porch and is constructed in a vernacular style. Neighboring houses can be seen across the street. Jefferson would often use the same negative to create a lantern slide as well as a mounted stereographic card. When possible we have indicated if it is a repeat image, however this is not always the case. As such, there may be a corresponding digitized glass lantern slide, and a mounted stereographic card associated with this stereographic negative within the Mark Jefferson Collection.