Timothy Dyer, Address at the Dedication of Bowen Field House, 1967
- Title
- Timothy Dyer, Address at the Dedication of Bowen Field House, 1967
- Description
- Timothy Dyer served twelve years on the Board of Regents at Eastern Michigan University, and two years as Mayor of Ypsilanti. In this audio recording, Dyer explains the connection between the Ypsilanti community and Eastern Michigan University, stating that both entities coexist and that each must take the other into consideration. He congratulates EMU, on the behalf of the City of Ypsilanti, on the building of the new library.
- Creator
- Dyer, Timothy
- Date Created
- 1967-05-12
- Subject
- Eastern Michigan University; Harold Sponberg; Ypsilanti; Board of Regents
- Identifier
- https://commons.emich.edu/speeches/33
- Rights
- Copyright to the audio resource and its transcript is held by the content creator, author, artist or other entity, and is provided here for educational purposes only. It may not be reproduced or distributed in any other format without written permission of the copyright owner, Eastern Michigan University Archives (lib_archives@emich.edu).
- Item sets
- Speeches
- Media
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