Harold Sponberg, University Library Dedicatory Address, 1967
- Title
- Harold Sponberg, University Library Dedicatory Address, 1967
- Description
- Harold E. Sponberg served as President of Eastern Michigan for nine years until his retirement in 1974. In this audio recording, Sponberg praises all parties involved with the planning and execution of the new University Library, remarking that it was no wonder the library was placed in the exact center of campus; learning should be of equal access to all who wish to take advantage of it.
- Creator
- Sponberg, Harold
- Date Created
- 1967-05-12
- Subject
- Harold Sponberg; Eugene Elliott; University Library; Michigan State Board of Education; Eastern Michigan University Board of Regents; Faculty
- Identifier
- https://commons.emich.edu/speeches/36
- Rights
- Copyright to the audio resource and its transcript is held by the content creator, author, artist or other entity, and is provided here for educational purposes only. It may not be reproduced or distributed in any other format without written permission of the copyright owner, Eastern Michigan University Archives (lib_archives@emich.edu).
- Item sets
- Speeches
- Media
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