Augusta “Gussie” Harris, Farewell Address to Elton Rynearson and Lloyd Olds, 1963
- Title
- Augusta “Gussie” Harris, Farewell Address to Elton Rynearson and Lloyd Olds, 1963
- Description
- Graduating from Michigan State Normal College in 1926, Gussie Harris taught physical education for three years until returning to MSNC in 1929, where she held a variety of important positions for the next 39 years. Harris earned numerous awards for her service to the field of physical education. In this short, informal speech, Harris presents Lloyd Olds and Elton Rynearson with scholarships in their names, each awarding the amount of $400 to selected students. Harris recites a short poem, describing the scholarships, and the affection that EMU has for both retiring men.
- Creator
- Harris, Augusta "Gussie"
- Date Created
- 1963-05-07
- Subject
- Elton Rynearson; Lloyd Olds; academic scholarship awards; Faculty
- Identifier
- Rights
- Copyright to the audio resource and its transcript is held by the content creator, author, artist or other entity, and is provided here for educational purposes only. It may not be reproduced or distributed in any other format without written permission of the copyright owner, Eastern Michigan University Archives (
- Item sets
- Speeches
- Media
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