Ralph Gilden Address, Announcement of the George Marshall Scholarship, 1967
- Title
- Ralph Gilden Address, Announcement of the George Marshall Scholarship, 1967
- Description
- Ralph Gilden served in virtually every position at Eastern Michigan University in his 40 years at EMU. From organizing a parent’s organization, to faculty member, to administrator and even interim president when Harold Sponberg resigned in 1974, Gilden was a loyal servant to the university and the faculty and students who constituted it. In this audio recording, Gilden pays tribute to George Marshall by announcing the launch of a new scholarship in the former track coach’s name.
- Creator
- Gilden, Ralph
- Date Created
- 1967-10-27
- Subject
- George Marshall; athletic scholarship; William Tipton; track and field; Faculty
- Identifier
- https://commons.emich.edu/speeches/40
- Rights
- Copyright to the audio resource and its transcript is held by the content creator, author, artist or other entity, and is provided here for educational purposes only. It may not be reproduced or distributed in any other format without written permission of the copyright owner, Eastern Michigan University Archives (lib_archives@emich.edu).
- Item sets
- Speeches
- Media
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