Harold Urey Address, Dedication of Strong Hall, 1958
- Title
- Harold Urey Address, Dedication of Strong Hall, 1958
- Description
- Dr. Harold Urey was an American physical chemist whose work on isotopes earnd him the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1943 for the discovery of deuterium. Here, Urey dedicates the newly-built Strong Hall on the campus of Eastern Michigan University by linking the growth and success of science to the national psyche. Urey explains how the popularity -and unpopularity- of science leads to a decline in science education.
- Creator
- Urey, Harold
- Date Created
- 1958-01-01
- Subject
- Harold Urey; Eastern Michigan University; Strong Hall; Sputnik
- Identifier
- https://commons.emich.edu/speeches/20
- Rights
- Copyright to the audio resource and its transcript is held by the content creator, author, artist or other entity, and is provided here for educational purposes only. It may not be reproduced or distributed in any other format without written permission of the copyright owner, Eastern Michigan University Archives (lib_archives@emich.edu).
- Item sets
- Speeches
- Media
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