Jennifer Hassan, Oral History Interview, 2023
Jennifer Hassan
Dr. You Li
Jennifer Hassan is a London-based breaking news reporter for the foreign desk at the Washington Post. Before joining the Post in 2016, she worked as a social media editor at MailOnline.
Hassan, a London-based staff reporter for the Washington Post, probably contracted the coronavirus from a trip to Thailand before the U.K. announced its first case. She recalled her personal experiences of surviving COVID early on when no test was available. Once recovered, Hassan chased the 24/7 news cycle coordinating with the international team across the U.S., South Korea, and the U.K., and published over 900 articles during COVID. She shared her challenges and takeaways from reporting the pandemic and acknowledged the contributions of women journalists.
Exact Date
misinformation/disinformation, mental health, interviewing and reporting process, harassment, public distrust in the media, U.K., women journalists' contributions, staff reporter, COVID-19, pandemic, The Washington Post, Covid recovery, women in journalism, journalism, Eastern Michigan University Archives
Eastern Michigan University Archives
Run Time
1 hour, 6 minutes, 54 seconds
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